Designing for Learners: Generative AI in Teaching

This course for instructors will help you explore best practices in teaching within our ever-changing learning environment.

Strive for 85!

Accessibility Matters! Strive for 85 offers support
and resources for using Blackboard Ally to improve
the accessibility of digital course materials, enhance
teaching, and create inclusive learning experiences.

Events Calendar

STLI always has something going on, from workshops to teaching and learning talks; quick bites to our end of year symposium. Browse our offerings and sign up for an event now!

What we offer


Meet with one of our skilled consultants to discuss your syllabus, teaching modalities, and best practices for academic technologies and instructional design.


Peruse STLI curated teaching resources, video tutorials, and short courses on foundational concepts and innovative teaching & learning approaches.

Creative Spaces

Design and develop educational media for your courses. Consult with an eductaional media specialist or book a STLI studio to level-up your instructional materials.


Explore a variety of programming and events including Teaching & Learning Talks, Quick Bite sessions, Together-We-Do Workshops, and Community Conversations.


Learn with us through web-based microcourses from STLI and campus partners at Earn a digital badge to share your new skills.

Partnerships & Opportunities

Connect with STLI to promote synergy across teaching and learning initiatives at W&M. Suggest new opportunities and explore our current partnerships. 



Ready, Set, Teach! | Spring 2025

Ready, Set, Teach! | Spring 2025

Instructors took part in Ready, Set, Teach!, an event designed to help them pause, reset, and prepare for the new semester with low-stakes learning opportunities. Participants attended virtual or in-person sessions, exploring topics such as AI in education,...

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