Diana Theisinger, STLI Digital Learning Program Manager


Meet Diana Theisinger, Digital Learning Program Manager

What interests you most about this job?

I’m interested in how adults learn about using technology for teaching and learning purposes. It’s an area where a lot of people feel fearful or unsure of themselves (me included!). I love helping colleagues feel more confident in their use of classroom technology.


What do you hope to accomplish in your first year?

My main focus is on building relationships and learning my way around campus—I have a terrible sense of direction! I’m also learning more about the culture of higher education, which is different from K-12 in many ways.


Tell us a little about your background:

I taught middle- and high-school English (in Georgia and Virginia) for 6 years before pursuing my doctorate from William & Mary. In 2017, I graduated from the School of Education’s Curriculum & Educational Technology program. Since then, I’ve worked as an instructional coach and consultant with K-12 schools in Virginia. I also work as an academic editor and really enjoy helping people with writing and APA style.


What attracted you to W&M?

The people! I have a great professional network of contacts through William & Mary. It’s also a really beautiful place to work.


What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love reading and spending time outside—visiting Virginia’s state parks, section hiking the Appalachian Trail, or finding a beach to walk on. I also have two young sons who keep me very busy and endlessly entertained.


How can your colleagues reach you for a consultation or learn more about STLI digital learning initiatives?

You can reach me via email at dltheisinger@wm.edu or call my office at 757-221-1561. I look forward to working together!