2023 Teaching & Learning Symposium

DATE/TIME: MAY 4TH | 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
We will celebrate the accomplishments of educators, connect with colleagues and communities of practice, and collaborate to advance teaching and learning. The symposium program includes a keynote by Dr. Kristin Phillips, spotlight sessions, workshop sessions, and poster sessions facilitated by William & Mary faculty and co-educators. New this year! Provost Agouris invites you to join the Provost’s office and faculty colleagues for a Faculty Reception on the Conservation Patio after the Symposium 3:30-5. Refreshments provided.


The Lecture is Not Dead: Using Storytelling to Enhance Lectures. Dr. Kristin Phillips
Dr. Kristin Phillips is a Collegiate Associate Professor in the School of Neuroscience at Virginia Tech. She earned a B.S. from Virginia Tech and a PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology from VCU. At Virginia Tech, she teaches a wide range of neuroscience courses where she promotes real-world application, collaboration, and student engagement. Her goal is to demonstrate the vast implications that arise from understanding how the brain works.
Symposium Sessions
• Collaborating to Reduce Barriers to Applied Learning by Lisa Randolph, Kathleen Powell, Elizabeth Harbron, and Ted Maris-Wolf
• Community Engaged Pedagogy by Jajuan Johnson
• Dialogic Engagement Across the Curriculum by Laura Heymann
• Fostering Students’ Engagement in Classrooms: The Pear Deck Case by Valentina Sorbera
• GAME ON! W&M Esports Program Levels Up by Michele Bates King
• Introducing Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to Students by Dawn Edmiston
• Representing Diverse Perspectives in the Classroom by Leslie Cochrane
• Research Translated for K-12 Classrooms: The Virginia Scientists and Educators Alliance (VA SEA) by Sarah Nuss and Lisa Lawrence
• COLL in your Syllabus: Best practices for an effective COLL course syllabus by John Parman
• We Come to Our Classrooms as People First, Students and Faculty Second by John “Rio” Riofrio
• Developing Assignments for COLL 100 Classes by Lori Jacobson, Paul Showalter, Kristin Wustholz, and Paul Vierthaler
• Getting Started with Community Based Learning by Catherine Brix
• Using VR Headsets for Immersive Site Visits: Students Explore Medieval Temple Compounds in India by Mark McLaughlin
• Conceptualizing the User Interface of the College Arboretum by Martha Case
• Instruction in Virtual Reality: Creation of a Chemistry Lab by Camille Andrews and Dana Lashley
• Virtual Reality in Forbidden Spaces by Bella Ginzbursky-Blum and Mike Blum

Bella Ginzbursky-Blum
Russian Language House Advisor, Senior Lecturer of Russian Studies

Camille Andrews
Instruction & Research Librarian

Catherine Brix
Visiting Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies

Dana Lashley
Senior Lecturer

Dawn Edmiston
Clinical Professor of Marketing, Raymond A. Mason School of Business

Elizabeth Harbron
Floyd D. Gottwald, Sr. Professor; Director, Charles Cente

Jajuan Johnson
Postdoctoral Research Associate, The Lemon Project

Joan Gavaler
Professor of Dance and Director of Dance Production

John Parman
Associate Professor of Economics

John "Rio" Riofrio
Hispanic Studies Program Director, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies

Kathleen Powell
Chief Career Officer | Associate Vice President for Advancement

Kristin Wustholz
Mansfield Associate Professor

Laura A. Heymann
Chancellor Professor of Law and Kelly Professor of Excellence in Teaching

Leslie Cochrane
Senior Lecturer of English and Linguistics, Arts & Sciences

Lisa Ayers Lawrence
Marine Education Program Leader

Lisa Randolph
Assistant Director, Experiential Learning

Lori Jacobson
Writing Resources Center Director

Maria DiBenigno
Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at William & Mary's Highland

Mark McLaughlin
Senior Lecturer of South Asian Religions

Martha Case
Associate Professor

Michele Bates King
Director, Academic & Applied Esports Program and Senior Lecturer of Speech

Mike Blum
Faculty Engagement Assistant Director

Paul Showalter
Coordinator of Instruction & Assessment

Paul Vierthaler
Assistant Professor of Chinese Studies

Sarah Nuss
Education Coordinator, CBNERRV

Ted Maris-Wolf
Associate Director of the Charles Center

Valentina Sorbera
Visiting Instructor of Italian Studies