Digital Learning Initiatives

Online & Hybrid Teaching

STLI leads design, development, and delivery of online and hybrid courses. We provide faculty, instructors, and co-educators with the community, expertise, and resources necessary to build high quality digital learning environments for our students. 

Educational Media

Our instructional and creative media provide engaging pathways for learning in the classroom, online, and on the airwaves. From our studio spaces to research-based practices, our media specialists leverage digital technologies to support instruction and tell the stories of learning.

Creative Spaces

STLI maintains space for creating teaching materials for digital learning. Our Lightboard Studio and Deskcasting Studio are available to faculty and co-educators to film or record their own projects with consultation from our team.

Digital Learning Tool Pilots

STLI collaborates with Information Technology to monitor and explore the digital learning landscape for potential new tools and resources. We also consult with faculty to choose the best tools to support their teaching. 

Professional Learning

We build microcourses and opportunities for life-long learning. Our online learning platform houses professional learning opportunities to develop skills and knowledge across a variety of domains. 

W&M Policies, Procedures, and Institutional Memberships

STLI collaborates with university partners to adhere to governmental and industry standards for digital learning.

Have additional questions?

Connect with Katalin Wargo, Director for Academic Innovation & Pedagogical Partnerships

Katalin oversees STLI's digital teaching and learning programs and collaborates with faculty and staff across campus to explore new and innovative teaching approaches and technologies. She equips faculty and campus partners with innovative resources for their teaching and research goals.

Katalin Wargo