Microsoft Flip
What It Is
Flip is a video discussion platform that allows instructors to create a “group” for each course. Within each group, instructors post topics learners can respond to using their camera-enabled computer or mobile device. Formerly Flipgrid, Flip is now a Microsoft tool, allowing William & Mary users access with Flip is easy to learn and can be quickly embedded into Blackboard. Responses to topics can be as long as 10 minutes, and learners can comment on others’ posts with video or text responses.
Watch Getting Started with Flip and follow the steps in the Getting Started Guide to set up a group.
Why It Matters
Flip is an easy way to create a lively discussion space where students can see each other’s faces, positively influencing social presence in online and hybrid courses. Flip provides an engaging alternative to text-based discussion boards, assignments, and assessments. It provides a space for learners who might be reluctant to speak in class to contribute . Because it allows users to create a recording, watch it, and re-record if desired, it also supports English language learners. Instructors can use Flip to enhance instructor presence by hosting asynchronous office hours.
Apply It
- – Encourage introductions where learners pronounce their names and share about themselves.
- – Hold asynchronous office hours through a weekly response to questions, unit summary, or Q&A on complex assignments or concepts.
- – Prime or extend class discussion by having learners post videos asking questions or continuing conversations.
- – Reflect on course readings or lectures through reading logs or summarizing takeaways from discussions or lectures.
- – Make connections outside of class through video reflections on events or field trips.
- – Control discussions and media format through password protection, audio only posts, or moderated posts.
- – Other Ideas

- – Watch: STLI Quickbite-Flip
- – Explore: Flip — UVA Learning Tech
- – Explore: Flip’s Educator Toolkit
Cite This Resource
Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation. (2023, March). Flip [Teaching resource].
Updated 3/2023